Thursday, November 26, 2009

LG 42 LG 6000

LG is actually the abbreviation for the "Lucky Goldstar" Group, which outside its home market in the business of televisions, always ranked second best. This all changed however with the change from CRT technology to flat-panel TVs.
In 2008 the Koreans opened a new manufacturing plant trading under the name "LG Display Co.", for its LCD units in a joint venture with Philips.

Market Position:
The 42 LG 6000, with its unusual design, is also equipped with the latest technology. The sensor that is responsible for regulating the intensity of the backlight doesn't just react to the room's ambient lighting, but recognizes the spectral components of the room lighting, and adjusts the color temperature accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
